The stage burst into flames during the “Make In India” flagship event. There were around 25000 people including artists, horses along with top political leaders and film stars in the line of fire. No casualties but a massive loss of reputation for our government. When everyone was running out and being escorted to safer enclosures, the only team that ran inside to face the flames was the ‘Mumbai Fire Brigade’. Fire fighters go through hours of training and rigorous drills to anticipate danger but their real gut is visible when you watch them lead a rescue operation.
Life Hack: When fire ruins a house the most precious things lost are memories.
Beware, be aware.
Beware, be aware.
This blog is officially endorsed by the Mumbai Chief Fire Officer Prabhat Rahangdale, the Vlog collaboration has been shot at the Mumbai Fire Brigade head quarters in Byculla.
Safe rescue of trapped people is the first task assigned to the fire fighters, this is extremely risky and life threatening. They stand for courage and sacrifice, 30ish wanted to bring out their story and understand what goes on inside the mind of a fire fighter. We as citizens take fire safety for granted, its time we get more alert.
This video is a part of Mohit Rao’s series on mind reading, in collaboration with 30ish #WhoseMindNext
Great leadership flows from the top, Mr. Rahangdale is a man with a vision and a very progressive outlook towards public service. He has initiated the fire volunteer training with a goal to train 6000 citizens by mid 2016 ensuring that each fire station will have 200 volunteers raring to go. You can also enrol for this initiative, all the details are available on the official site of the Mumbai Fire Brigade.