
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

PINK is the colour of our blood

At a recent event, I met a very interesting woman and there was something she said that just got me hooked to know her story. She is an actress and a power brand in her own right.

“Hair and Breasts are over rated”, to any woman she would seem cynical but when a Breast Cancer survivor says so, you believe her.
The depth of what she said made me want to know everything related to Breast Cancer.
During the course of my research for this post, I dropped the idea twice. Images available online disturbed my perfect image of how a beautiful woman is “supposed to be”. Youtube videos were driving me insane, kept checking for an imaginary lump. I was paranoid with the question, “what if its me, or someone I love or someone I know..
The answer is to be aware and not scared. You are the first one to diagnose it, or feel the discomfort. An early detection and cure can help you heal and eradicate it completely.
 #Life Hack: For the Survivors, for the ones still fighting, for the ones we lost…
All the beautiful women featured in this blogpost are wearing pink as a symbol of their strength.
If only women were as obsessed with breasts as men, a few statistics to get you self aware
  • One in eight women is diagnosed with cancer in their life time, our life style changes, makes this number more erratic
  • Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death due to cancer amongst women
  • Self-examination is the quickest form of detection, slightest doubt must be followed by mammography.
Strong women empower each other. Spread the word, be aware.
A special mention* None of the featured women questioned why I asked for their pink selfies, all they knew was that it’s for the next 30ish post. 
Their faith, is the best compliment.


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